Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Jüngel's sermons

Part of the original vision for this blog was formulated as follows:

‘I hope people will join in the task of making this very difficult but even more profound theologian more accessible to the church today’.

It is for that reason that I shall, now and then, post selections from Jüngel’s sermons, with perhaps light discussion as to his method. I am a NT exegete, and how Jüngel handles scripture is a major question within my own horizon.

In his introduction to his multi-volume collection of sermons, Jüngel writes:

‘Sermons are attempts, with the help of biblical texts, to make discoveries with God. Whoever discovers God doesn’t remain the old person, the one who he, until now, was aware of, and of whom he must truly be aware of again and again. For whoever discovers God, learns also to know himself entirely anew, making, to a certain extent, surprising discoveries about himself and his world. And so he begins to become astounded’ (Predigten, Vol 1., p. 7)


David W. Congdon said...

Wonderful, Chris. I eagerly look forward to reading more of your translations.

David W. Congdon said...

Yes, he does. I am only working from the works translated into English (a very small sampling, though it covers the most important stuff), but Buber does come up every so often.

In Justification, his name appears twice, both in reference to The Eclipse of God, about which Jüngel writes " for example Martin Buber showed so impressively that ..."

In God's Being Is in Becoming, Jüngel quotes from Buber's I and Thou in a footnote in the Epilogue from 1975. I should add that I and Thou resonates with almost all of Jüngel's theology, particularly in its relational-dialogical character.

Buber is quoted twice in God as the Mystery of the World, both in reference to I and Thou, and both quite positive with regard to Buber's theology.

I hope this helps.